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Horizon Scanning

Tracey O'Connell

Use digital law to give your business a competitive edge

The digital landscape of ones and zeros is constantly moving.

If your business has a digital connection in any way, you know how quickly things change and evolve. Yesterday’s breakthrough is tomorrow’s fish ‘n’ chip paper (or blog). It also doesn’t matter how much digital is a part of your business, whether 100% or a fraction of it.

Similarly, the specific industry you are in is irrelevant. The digital landscape is continuously moving, and for your business to succeed, you need to navigate it quickly and confidently.

The Government is keen to promote innovation – and regulation.

You and your competitors aren’t the only ones trying to keep up with the pace of digital. The UK Government is too. As are governments from around the world.

The growth of a digital economy is very much a cornerstone of the UK Government’s economic policy – at the same time, they are increasingly focused on regulating it.

In 2019, the House of Lords recognised: “Over a dozen regulators have a remit covering the digital world. But there is no overall regulator. Regulation of the digital environment is fragmented with overlaps and gaps.” (1)

Despite this, there isn’t a plan to introduce an overall ‘digital regulator’. This is due to the digital world’s complex, multi-faceted and fast-moving nature. However, legal changes are happening. Notably, the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill is currently taking passage through the House of Commons,(2) changes to intellectual property law in relation to AI have been announced,(3) changes in the NIS Regulations are envisaged,(4) and the Online Safety Bill is in its final stages.(5)

Spend more time growing your business.

You and your business already have enough to think about and act on without having to try and work out what laws apply to your digital service or products. Doing so can be very time-consuming – even for lawyers whose day job it is. This is time you could be spending promoting and growing your business.

Navigating digital law is also complicated. To be confident you have sorted everything relevant to you can involve a lot of research, which often leads to information overload and doubts as to whether you have covered absolutely everything. Resulting in those middle-of-the-night moments of: ‘I’d better check that too’.

Make sure it’s your competitors having sleepless nights.

Access to concise and relevant information could prove invaluable to you – empowering your business to manage risk at an operational level better.

Just as importantly, concise and relevant information about digital laws can help you be proactive. Scanning the horizon for upcoming policy changes so you are prepared to take action and gain an advantage over your competitors. It can also help you identify more strategic SWOTs – enabling you to tweak your service or product lines and develop new ones.

It’s also an opportunity for you to become a thought leader in your sector by sharing the digital law knowledge you have been provided. So you are doing more than simply engaging in the conversation but helping to lead the way in the digital revolution. Adding gravitas to your business’  brand – and your personal one.

The next step for your business development.

At Lawpoint, we use our specialist digital law knowledge to support your business. We can free you up to focus on growing your business and give you the peace of mind of knowing you are protected – and help give you the edge over your competitors.

If you have any questions, please contact or call 01202 729444.


1 Select Committee on Communications, Regulating in a Digital World House of Lords, 2nd Report of Session 2017-2019 published 9 March 2019, HL Paper 299.

2 At Report Stage as at 25/10/23

3 As at 25/10/23, the Government is working with users and rights holders on a code of practice.

4 When parliamentary review time allows as per as at 25/10/23

5 Awaiting Royal Assent as at 25/10/23

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